Laptops....many are using them now. I don't know about other places, but there are quite a number of people using them in NUS. I mean, it's so convenient, you can log onto the internet, donwload your work from your lecturers, chat online, do some notes, blog (like what I am doing now) and many other stuff. Take a look at the mobility man. It's so cool. But that's provided you have a wireless connection to play with. Or else, I think you are just stuck with laptop minus (-) internet connection ---> basic windows stuff. well, you still can type out some notes and stuff like that, but you will probably end up playing solitaire. hey, did I mentioned that I think solitaire is fun? I like playing it! :) ok, it's not THAT bad. It's still a card game.
ok! laptops....I people still put their laptops on their laps? It's a good thing they don't. I mean, won't the heat and stuff be bad for your reproductive organs or something? Shouldn't people stop using laptops on their laps? Maybe that's why people are giving birth to so few babies! ahhhh!!
ok, maybe here at NUS, we have enough tables and benches, so probably I don't see so many people using laptops on their laps. hmmm...maybe that's why they call them notebooks now? we use them to take down notes. It's like an electronic notebook, right? I wonder, what about music notes? Do we use notebooks to take down music notes? They are all notes, right???? oh man......
Shouldn't we just call them Mobile Personal Computers? Short-form - MPC. In fact, in China, I heard from some of my brothers and sisters in Christ, they call computers the equivalent of what we call calculators. yeah, you got it. It's something like 计算机. ok, I am not exactly a mandarin expert, so mandarin experts out there who are reading this, if there are any mistakes, please pardon me.
I think I can see some light in this term, since computer operations are something like calculations, maybe that's why they call it 'calculators'.
yeah, so why not call them 'mo-cal' for 'mobile calculators'? oh man...I don't know. 'What's in a name?' ok, that's true. It does not really matter what we call them, as long as it works the way it was intended to be.
haha...oh man, I am so lame. I am reading up on my molecular genetics stuff and this thought sort of came to my mind and voi la!
ok, this is the first of the you-can-simply-ignore-this (YCSIT) article. Stay tuned for more in the days to come.
Back to molecular genetics, mitosis and meiosis! See you!