Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Brain Spaceeee......

oh man...it's cold in the Science library. Maybe it's because I have not had my lunch yet. Have been busy studying for my Biochem CA 1 tomorrow. It's quite a big CA, 20% of my final grade for this module this sem. There's quite a bit to study and there are so many things to remember. Things I have studied, I don't know if I can remember, but I am just going to go into the test hall anyway. oh man...

It's quite amazing how many things are there in this universe that people aren't aware of or just don't know and don't understand. It just shows how puny we are in our understanding and knowledge, how complex, yet wonderfully this world is made and how naive we are to think that we are supreme in this world.

I mean, you don't need to be an extremely smart person, or a genius, to realise the complexity of our universe, when you take a look at the enzyme mechanisms, enzyme inhibition mechanisms (yeah, I studied that just now and there is so much information! ahhhh...) etc. And all these...come from...evolution??? From a single-cell organism??? Oh man..pu-leasze...give me a break. You are telling me that I came from a single-cell organism and the transformation took place over time??? Just like that??? Over time??? Somehow, I find it difficult to believe. I think it takes an extremely high amount of faith to believe in that sort of theory.

So if we are not from a single-cell organism, then where does the universe come from? The universe must have come from someone really powerful and really smart to create those enzymes, cell organelles and not only of one organism, but of many types of organisms, right? Ah ha! That person must be God, who created all things in the universe, in such amazing order, with such creativity, displaying his infinite power and wisdom from the smallest particle, to the largest phenomenon.

Those who are in doubt, just sit through a semester of life science modules in university. You should get what I am saying.

ok, till next time!


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