Monday, October 30, 2006

Eh, siao eh, got a probrem lah.......

The title of this post is probably the Singapore version of what we usually say

"Houston we have a problem!"

And that spelling error in the title is deliberate. wahaha..

So what's the problem? ('si mi tai ji!') ok, I should seriously cut down on the singlish and the hokkein and get right straight to the point, shouldn't I?

The thing is that I just sat for my basic organic chemistry test a few moments ago. Notice the word 'basic' in bold and italics. ok, maybe what they meant by 'basic' was that we won't go too deep into the concepts and the syllabus. Fair enough. But 'basic' doesn't mean 'little to study'. That's a total misconception. Lesson learnt? I hope so.

yep, so I sat for that paper just now. For you folks out there who don't know, I have been spending a lot of time studying for this test. Yes, a lot of time. I have been sleeping at four am for the past two nights. And it has been like almost nothing but basic organic chemistry, basic organic chemistry, basic organic chemistry. chionging anime like that, but there is a huge difference in the entertainment level. What does you expect me to say to a carbocation intermediate? ('Hey! You are so positive!!' ????) yep, a carbocation intermediate is positively charged. Hope you guys get the joke. :D

The test was quite a disaster. I didn't know how to answer a few questions and I think that's some considerable amount of marks gone down into the bin.

Actually, I should have done up my notes for this module as the lectures go by. But I didn't because I thought of leaving it to when I am preparing for a test. And the lecturer taught very fast. oh man, that's not an excuse. I know... hmmm...I guess the procrastination did finally caught up with me. Was busy preparing the notes during the past few days when I should be practising and doing questions and applying the knowledge.

haiz. No point crying over split milk. Got to pick up the pieces and move on! Yeah! And I am thankful that God has brought me through thus far in the preparation. There were times where I was really intimidated by the amount of stuff to study. There were times where I was angry. I mean, how can they expect us to study so many things for the test?! Ridiculous! But I guess the only person being ridiculous here is me. yep, and I think God, in His wonderful ways, brought me through the preparation and the test and I am still alive and kicking (typing now). And considering how much I have not been spending time with Him, He has been very very gracious towards me. I give thanks to God!! :D

I think I need a very very short break. Just to take a breather. But not too long a break. Just enough to relax a bit and then I have got to embark on another series of preparation for other tests!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Burning Fats

ok ok, I am going to blog this down before I forget. I was reading the nickname of one of my contacts on msn and apparently, the nickname says that she needs to burn some fats on that day.

And this is what I said exactly, "Be careful, don't start a fire."
And then her reaction........
And then my turn, again in exact words, "If I start burning my fats, I guess I will start a really big fire. hmmm...."
And then it seemed that she laughed quite a bit and then she said, in her exact words, "no comments". And she had a smiling face after that.

That could mean two things: One, she does not want to make me too proud by refuting mycomment that I have a good and steady oil reserve, so that could mean that I am not actually too obese. Two, she thinks that I should just stay away from any exposed flames. You get me???

hmmmm....I guess that's for you guys out there (who actually know me) to know and for me to find out huh???

Monday, October 23, 2006

Wine....sweeter.....more aromatic.....flavour???

I am in the science library now, studying with this friend of mine whom I studied with for my 'A' level examinations three years ago. Pretty amazing huh? haha. We used to study together in a small group in school from morning to late at night and I still remember those times. I remember that we called this group of ours 'Canto Study Group' because most of us are cantonese. And there was one time, we got hold of the big big umbrella from one of the benches and we started posing with that umbrella and taking photos with it on my camera phone! haha! yeah, it was really fun....

If only we can get the same group of us together again, that will be really awesome. Maybe study together or something! hahahaha..but I think some of them are graduating soon though. Yet I am sure that nothing will diminish or add to those memories I have of the times I spent with them - these memories will always remain in my heart and like wine, I am certain that they will only become sweeter and more aromatic with age and time. (ok, forgive me for my lack of adjectives for wine. My friend and I tried to search the internet, but..........yep....

So you guys get what I am saying, right? :D)

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Old Days (I am not too sure of the 'Good' part)

ok, I am slacking away although I know I have quite a bit of work to do. oh man. But, I feel like typing this down.

I was at my friend's blog and reading that person's past entries just now. You know, certain periods of time in the past carry some particular significance in me. It was interesting to read what was going on in my friend's life during the time when I was enlisted into the army, clearing my leave during National Service (NS) and being released from NS. Yeah, it's just a strange feeling I have got just now. Not only just now, but bits and pieces along the way.

When I was serving NS, I just couldn't wait to be released from service. We have a term for that and it's 'ORD'. yeah, ORD seemed like the ultimate goal in every serviceman's heart and we just couldn't wait to live our lives outside of NS. All the freedom and stuff like that.

But now, when I look back, there is this sense of nostalgia in me. Of course, I am NOT saying I want to go back there again. But those two years and two months were memorable. It pulled my heartstrings a bit whenever I think about my days in the army. It wasn't enjoyable, but I was there, living two years and two months of my life there, doing those stuff for two years and two months, being in that culture and environment for two years and two months. (I deliberately added two months, because I really did two years and two months of National Service and also to emphasise that yes, two months in National Service is a considerable period of time.)

yeah....haha....But I like being a civilian. I like it that way. haha. As much as I know that it is every citizen's (male citizen, in this aspect) responsibility to serve his country, I like being a civilian. But I guess these memories of the time I spent in NS will stay with me for a very long time. And yes, I think I like it that way too. hmmmm....Maybe I will share them with my children in the future. (that's if I get married. And don't read too much into that.)

Friday, October 13, 2006


heellllloooooo everyone!!!

wow wow wow, it has been quite some time since this blog has gotten fresh pawprints from me, so here it is! ok, a quick one. It was like the bombardment of the lab reports last week. I am just glad that I am done with my lab reports for now. By God's grace..... Thank God.

My friends from uni are coming to my place to shoot some hoops this coming saturday and just enjoy ourselves. Kinda looking forward to it. I haven't played basketball since the CCC sports day. Hope that the haze clears up by then. If not, then I think it would be wise to stay indoors.....

My mum is saying that I am gaining weight, or in another words, I am FAT! haha. Looking fat is one thing, but health is another. I am not so worried about looking fat. Health is so much more important than looking good. But looking obese and health are closely related, right? The thing is that people can be healthy, but they still want to look good and they create problems for themselves. Eventually, their health deteriorates and they suffer. I guess what I truely want in this aspect of my life is healthiness. Never mind if I don't look good and don't have nice abs. If I am healthy, I am fine with it. Of course, if I CAN look good, that will be a bonus!! wahaha.

ok, enough of fat and health. I have actually quite a number of things on my hands. Preparation for this sunday's worship-leading. Got to finish writing my part of the term paper by the end of this week. Got to study for an upcoming CA one week and a half away. And it's a big thingy.

yeah...and I am having a strange feeling since I met this person yesterday. hmmm...not sure if I am ready to share this here yet. I don't even know myself. hmmmm....anyway, that's all for now!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


wow. It's finally friday! man, I need a breather, you know? Work is piling up and I have got to study for tests. I think life is going to get busier in the next few weeks. Lab reports, CA, test....yeah, basically just that. But notice that I said 'lab reports' with the 's' at the back. haha..

The haze is really quite bad. I don't think you don't need a psi reading to know how bad is. Visibility has dropped and you know that effect when you have light beaming across dust? yeah, I saw that from a street lamp when I was driving at night. Thank God I spend most of my time indoors. Even then, I might get some of the dust because of the air-conditioning, right?

oh man, I am tired. May the Lord grant me strength.
That's all for now. :)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


ok, let me share this with you guys out there.

I was sitting with this person during lecture. And yes, I know this person. To protect that person's identity, I will name that person 'unnamed'.

yep, so I was sitting with unnamed and then unnamed turned towards me and asked me if I wanted gum (something like sweets). And I replied something like this, 'It's ok, I have a lot of gum in here.' And I pointed to my mouth.

Get it?

Unnamed, if you are reading this, don't get angry, ok?

yep..I thought it was pretty interesting and funny, so there you go.

Brain Spaceeee......

oh's cold in the Science library. Maybe it's because I have not had my lunch yet. Have been busy studying for my Biochem CA 1 tomorrow. It's quite a big CA, 20% of my final grade for this module this sem. There's quite a bit to study and there are so many things to remember. Things I have studied, I don't know if I can remember, but I am just going to go into the test hall anyway. oh man...

It's quite amazing how many things are there in this universe that people aren't aware of or just don't know and don't understand. It just shows how puny we are in our understanding and knowledge, how complex, yet wonderfully this world is made and how naive we are to think that we are supreme in this world.

I mean, you don't need to be an extremely smart person, or a genius, to realise the complexity of our universe, when you take a look at the enzyme mechanisms, enzyme inhibition mechanisms (yeah, I studied that just now and there is so much information! ahhhh...) etc. And all these...come from...evolution??? From a single-cell organism??? Oh man..pu-leasze...give me a break. You are telling me that I came from a single-cell organism and the transformation took place over time??? Just like that??? Over time??? Somehow, I find it difficult to believe. I think it takes an extremely high amount of faith to believe in that sort of theory.

So if we are not from a single-cell organism, then where does the universe come from? The universe must have come from someone really powerful and really smart to create those enzymes, cell organelles and not only of one organism, but of many types of organisms, right? Ah ha! That person must be God, who created all things in the universe, in such amazing order, with such creativity, displaying his infinite power and wisdom from the smallest particle, to the largest phenomenon.

Those who are in doubt, just sit through a semester of life science modules in university. You should get what I am saying.

ok, till next time!